Saturday, August 05, 2006

Amor Fati: Love Your Destiny

Denne formel skal du fatte
This formula you should understand
som din sterkeste befrier:
Understand it as the greatest liberator:
Du har valgt din sti i krattet.
You have chosen your path through the bush.
Ikke skjel mot andre stier!
Don't worry about other paths!

Elin shared this poem by Andre Bjerke as we were discussing the rather amazing workings of destiny that connected us in Austin in January 2004 and led to me being in Stavanger just over 2 years later. With the amazing opportunities & people who have shown up to help the iCREATE vision along, we have to believe that all is well because we have each embraced our destiny and accepted the path that we're walking... following the bees & the butterflies, lol.


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