Sunday, April 08, 2007

Cultiva - Kristiansand Norway

In truth, everything really came together because of Richard Florida's book The Rise of the Creative Class because the folks at Cultiva had pegged Austin as a place to come to discover how to grow their own entrepreneurial class. In fact, the name of their organization truly represents their goals as stated on the website: Cultiva is derived from the Latin word “cultio” which means, “to cultivate”. The name “Cultiva” clearly communicates growth, innovation and development. We see Cultiva as an appealing and harmonious name that is easy to pronounce, easy to read, and works well in any language.

I was introduced to Cultiva just over two years ago by Elin Oftedal. A few months after she left Austin, she gave my number to Daniel Norgaard as a contact during SXSW06. From that meeting came the trip to Norway last August that is chronicled in the early part of this blog.

There is much more to the story...past, present and future. Many more interesting characters to introduce, still sorting out the


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